Greeting Cards, Stationery & Gifts

Greeting Cards, Stationery & Gifts

15 minutes

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” These words from the great poet and writer Maya Angelou are the driving sentiment behind Mawu Greetings, a culturally inclusive line of premium greeting cards and stationery. As a social enterprise, we want to help our customers strengthen connections with their diverse community member base by sending messages of joy, celebration, sorrow and gratitude that create lasting memories. We aim to build lasting memories that yield exponential returns for everyone we touch.


Mawu Greetings produces premium culturally inclusive greeting cards, stationery, and gifts for businesses, organizations and retail brands committed to elevating the visibility of Black and Brown artistic talent. We look forward to collaborating with you! Preview terms and conditions upon acceptance of your artworks here.

Submit your art and/or writing for consideration.  

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